
At BALUÉ JUSTO ADVOCATS, we specialize in everything concerning companies and the world of business, whether it be to do with natural or legal persons. Our line of work embraces:

BALUÉ JUSTO ADVOCATS offers a wide range of legal services including:

  • Extrajudicial and / or judicial civil liability claims, whether against insurance companies, individuals, professionals, businesses or governments, whether arising from traffic accidents, professional malpractice (doctors, architects, engineers…) bad praxis, crimes and offences, claims against the insurance company itself or third parties who caused the damage, etc.
  • Litigations and civil, commercial, and criminal procedures and administrative disputes.
  • Civil and commercial procedures related to unpaid bills, promissory notes, IOUs and checks. Recognition of debts, negotiations and transactions in case of insolvency. Civil liabilities. Bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Advice and litigation in the fields of property, mortgage and planning law.
  • Advice and representation in criminal cases: assistance for detainees; summary proceedings for the commission of crimes, misdemeanour proceedings and fast-track trials. Criminal liability of minors. Penal mediation. Civil liability ex delicto.
  • Family law, particularly marriage annulment proceedings, separations and divorces: application and modification of injunctions, child custody, maintenance and alimony.
  • Constitution of commercial companies. Statutory modifications. Mergers, takeovers, dissolutions and liquidations. Increases and reductions of capital.
  • Establishment and management of property companies.
  • Transfers of shares and acquisitions.
  • Fiscal, accounting, business, and financial consulting. Assistance in the preparation of accounts for all types of business activities and ways of operating (individuals, corporations, foundations, cooperatives, etc.). Assistance in the realization of all taxation procedures, particularly in the preparation, settlement, management and presentation of all types of tax returns relating to the income tax of individuals, corporation tax, value added tax, inheritance and document legalisation, inheritance and gift tax, excise tax, etc.).
  • Consulting and assistance in administrative actions for both tax charges and tax monitoring and investigation. Assistance in proceedings before the various tax collection bodies. Administrative and economic complaints against actions by the tax authorities. Administrative/contentious appeals.
  • Preparation and deposit of the annual accounts of commercial companies to corresponding commercial registries.
  • Labour advice on hiring employees and termination of labour contracts, registrations to Social Security; appeals to the Social Security Labour and Treasury Inspectorate; proceedings for Labour Jurisdiction; redundancy procedures.
  • Labour advice on Compliance.